New Facebook Page for Hilltop Herbals
For the last couple years, I’ve been aware of another Hilltop Herbals page on Facebook. When I chose my new page I didn’t know about the other one, but over the years I’ve gotten a few comments and likes/follows that are not meant for me. I have endeavored to be sure those people are forwarded to their intended place as I hope they have done with my visitors.
It’s no one’s fault, but I just don’t want there to be any confusion between the two pages and have therefore created a new one for my Hilltop Herbals.
Our new Facebook Page will be called Hilltop Herbal Remedies and is available at so please visit and update your likes/follows.
I had hoped to transfer my content from the old page to the new page and Facebook, in their wisdom, has decided that my two pages are not the same after all and therefore cannot be merged. I’ve downloaded the page and will keep it for history but all new content will go to the new page.
Thanks for your comments and best wishes over the years! I’m looking forward to the future with you.
Kathy McCabe.
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