Hilltop Arts Store
Herbalists DO get sick!
I have been fighting the mother of all viruses since Sunday, July 1st. And ordered to bed rest for the next few days. Not sure as an herbalist if I should have done it, but I posted it on Facebook about how sick I was. Low and behold, a private message comes to me asking how I can call myself an herbalist and still be sick.
Seriously? First, how is it ok to even question that in the first place, and second… Herbalists are people too and will – on occasion – get sick. Ugh! Plus, I’m no match for dehydration which landed me in the emergency room on Sunday afternoon.
So, I’m sitting here working from bed at virtual assisting (Thanking God every day for my wonderful clients!), writing, and studying. But I am following orders to take it easy and rest in bed for a few days. I’m loving my adaptogen and nervine tea with honey to sooth my agitated mind and calm my body so it can recover.
But here’s my public service tip of the day. It is not ok to trash people like that. Be kind people! Oh and, HYDRATE, HYDRATE, H Y D R A T E !
Exciting Changes for Hilltop Arts!
Hilltop Arts is expanding!
We are now offering handmade cut, engraved, etched and items as well as custom items. We have awesome new machines in our studio that will enable us to do much more custom work as well as the more quality gifts you’ve come to expect from us.

We will be adding new products in these categories as we develop them.
If you’re interested in custom work, please email us and let us work up an estimate for you.
What Does Glamour Mean to You? GuruShots Article
I’m so excited to have my photo ‘Alayna’ feautured in GuruShot’s Article about Glamour. The photo is at #19 on the list so feel free to go check it out by clicking here or below.
Alayna was such a good model, and so patient with me as I’m learning how to be a better photography. I don’t shoot too many people, but have vastly improved in landscapes, seascapes and more. You can see them also at GuruShots, Viewbug and on the Hilltop Arts Store (photo galleries are below the store categories on the left.) If you see something on GuruShots or Viewbug that’s not listed for sale on the store, email me and we can discuss your purchase.
Thanks again Alayna for modeling and Gurushots for choosing my photo.
New Product at Hilltop Herbals
Brand New at Hilltop Herbals!
Kathy’s Healing Salve
I’m very pleased to announce this healing salve made entirely with my organically grown and pesticide FREE herbs.
Healing Salve contains organic EV Olive Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Vitamin E, Plantain, Lavender and Yarrow.
Lavender soothes and calms the skin, is anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, anti fungal and the aroma promotes relaxation. Plantain is one of nature’s super herbs, it soothes sunburn, rashes, eases itches and insect bites, will help to sooth poison ivy, and helps to heal wounds such as cuts, scratches, blisters and cuts. If you heat the whole leaf it can be beneficial for swollen joints when used as a poultice. Yarrow is very effective for eczema and dry skin, and helps to heal infection, and minor cuts and scratches. Also, packing a bleeding wound can help to stop bleeding.
Got an itch, get my Healing Salve and apply liberally.
Available in the Hilltop Arts Store and currently on sale for $6.50 (Normal price will be $10.00).