What Does Glamour Mean to You? GuruShots Article
I’m so excited to have my photo ‘Alayna’ feautured in GuruShot’s Article about Glamour. The photo is at #19 on the list so feel free to go check it out by clicking here or below.
Alayna was such a good model, and so patient with me as I’m learning how to be a better photography. I don’t shoot too many people, but have vastly improved in landscapes, seascapes and more. You can see them also at GuruShots, Viewbug and on the Hilltop Arts Store (photo galleries are below the store categories on the left.) If you see something on GuruShots or Viewbug that’s not listed for sale on the store, email me and we can discuss your purchase.
Thanks again Alayna for modeling and Gurushots for choosing my photo.
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