The Hilltop Group Family of Companies

Well, I finally did it…

I finished my ebook.  I’ve been working on it for years. And for such a short book, its hard to imagine it taking so long. I think it has something to do with fear.

Fear of putting it out there, putting myself out there… Who am I to impart this advice…

Ok, I finally got out of my own way and finished it.  You can’t imagine the racing heart, sweating palms, and the wanting to scream with relief when I hit ‘post’ and announced it to the world.

But, its out there now. for good or evil, its out there. And I’m proud of it.

Grab your copy at or on the Hilltop-Arts store (In PDF format, for US Only since the store is only setup for US orders)

What people fear most is taking a new step or uttering a new word.  Fyodor Dostoyevski (1821-1881)



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