The Hilltop Group Family of Companies

Yarrow, Feverfew & Lavender

Kathy's Herb Garden Bouquet

Kathy’s Herb Garden Bouquet

I am such a lucky lady! In my garden I have a number of herbs growing and three of them are in flour right now.

My feverfew, yarrow and lavender combined beautifully in this bouquet but are also extremely medicinal, and we shouldn’t ignore nature’s bounty when we get it.

Yarrow: has properties that help reduce the length of time one is suffering from a cold or flu; it helps for relaxation; and used internally can help itches, rashes, and to stop bleeding in wounds.

Feverfew: is greatly beneficial for migraines and headaches as well as helping to reduce fever and help with arthritis pain and general pain. New research is showing a possible link to helping to alleviate dizziness and tinnitus as well. This would be extremely beneficial for me!

Lavender: lavender has been known for ages as the relaxation herb. But it is also wonderful in cooking and teas. Used externally it is a skin calmer and can help ease rashes, it is also antiseptic and can be used to disinfect minor wounds (in tincture or poultice form).

I use all three of these herbs from my garden in a relaxing tea. Since I suffer from chronic pain, migraines, dizziness, tinnitus and vertigo these three herbs combine in a tes can certainly not hurt my conditions. Externally, I combine them into a mild infusion to help with mild eczema and restless leg syndrome.

Kathy’s Relaxation Tea

1 teaspoon dried yarrow
1 teaspoon dried feverfew
2 teaspoons dried lavender

Steep with boiling water at least five minutes, covered. Sweeten with honey or sugar. Particularly good before bed.


Enjoy!  Kathy

NOTE: These herbs are not intended for pregnant women (no exceptions for pregnant women) or people with blood clotting disorders, who are on Coumadin, and who have kidney or liver disease. Talk to your doctor if you’re unsure if you can take this tea.

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