Hilltop Herbals
The Herbalist Avon Lady
A few months ago I was approached by a dear friend who convinced me (it wasn’t difficult!) to become an Avon Sales Representative. I’ve loved Avon products for forever, and even sold them back in the early 90’s. But I’ve felt a quandary in my mind… how can I justify selling Avon when I’m an Herbalist…?
Well, my ultimate goal in life is to help people. It is my ‘silver bullet’ so to speak. I’m passionate about helping people in all aspects of my life – in my Virtual Assistant business, I’ve been helping people run their businesses for over 19 years; in my herbal business, Hilltop Herbals, I’ve felt called to help people in a more basic and natural way, instead of popping another chemical, I’m helping them find relief for some of their ailments safely and naturally. And when I’m photographing someone I’m helping them to create a memory that will last in a beautiful way.
So, why not help people feel more positive about themselves? Why not offer them products that will enhance their beauty – because Everyone is beautiful – and when we apply makeup we’re only enhancing this. Why not help people find skin care that makes them feel pampered?
So, I’m the Herbalist Avon Lady! I will still sell my herbal remedies and my all natural salves but I won’t branch out into cosmetics as I thought at one time I would. Avon cosmetics and skin care products are painstakingly researched and there is proven science behind them. They are superb and affordable products and I’m so proud to be able to represent them!
In my heart, I know I’m doing the right thing by selling both my herbal remedies and Avon. Avon doesn’t offer a migraine remedy, but I do! I don’t have anti-aging products, but Avon does! For me, this is a very comfortable fit. Now, I’m blessed to be able to take care of both sides of your needs – let me help you! It’s a Win-Win for everyone!