Hilltop Arts
New for Hilltop Arts
We’re very excited to bring you new items just in time for Christmas! We’ve been publishing books and journals on Amazon!
So far we offer Prayer Journals, Materia Medica, blank journals, composition books, and yearly planners and wherever possible, featuring cover art by Kathy McCabe. Click here to see the list.
We’ll be adding more soon. Thanks and Happy Holidays!
Catoctin Colorfest

Please join us at the annual Catoctin Colorfest in Thurmont, MD, this weekend, October 12-13. We will be located outside Hobbs Hardware on Main Street.
We will have Art Glass, photography, herbal remedies, crafts, wood products and more. We’ll even have a Decorate Your Own Ornament station.
Stop by and see us and stay for a terrific festival.
New Giveaway in time for Christmas!
Drum roll please!
Our latest giveaway will be BIG! We are giving away one each of the recycled glass art pieces!
1 Medium Dish
1 Large Dish
1 3-Part Dish
1 Chip & Dip Dish
All to be given to the lucky winner who signs up for our emails & newsletter before the deadline of November 15th. The prize will then be shipped or delivered (Locally only) on November 16th.
Sign up to receive our emails today! (Sorry, current subscribers are not eligible since they were part of the last drawing).